
All images come with our "Standard" license by default. Upgrade for expanded commercial use limits, covering both your current and future purchases.

  • Standard
  • included with every purchase
  • Personal, non-profit use
  • Commercial use: up to 50 units
  • Web/video: up to 20,000 views
  • Create logos for your business
  • Applies to all images & bundles
  • Commercial
  • $49 one-time fee
  • Everything in Standard, plus:
  • Commercial use: up to 1000 units
  • Web/video: up to 100,000 views
  • Create up to 10 logos for clients
  • Upgrade to Commercial
  • Extended
  • $149 one-time fee
  • Everything in Standard, plus:
  • Commercial use: unlimited units
  • Web/video: unlimited views
  • Create unlimited logos for clients
  • Upgrade to Extended

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to get a license for each image that I buy?

No. You only need one license, regardless of how many images you purchase and use commercially. The type of license you need depends on the designated thresholds for commercial use (units, web/video views, etc).

Can I get a commercial or extended license post-sales?

Certainly! You only need to purchase a Commercial or Extended license if you exceed the designated threshold. For example, imagine you buy 5 images and create 8 products to sell. You only need to upgrade to a Commercial license when you sell more than 50 items in total across all 8 products. Once you upgrade to a Commercial license, it covers any new images you buy too.

Can I upgrade from commercial to extended?

Yes, absolutely. If you have a commercial license associated with your email address, simply click on Upgrade to Extended, proceed to checkout, and then apply the following coupon code to get a $49 discount on your extended license: EXTUPG (please note that you need to type in your email address first for the code to work).

Am I allowed to use the images for creating logos?

Certainly! You can use our images to create a logo for your business. Yet, if you design logos for clients, you need to obtain a Commercial license. An Extended license is necessary if either of the following is true:

a) You plan to create logos for more than ten (10) customers.

b) At least one of your customers plans to produce merchandise exceeding 1000 units for distribution or sale.

Can I resell the images?

No. It is strictly forbidden to resell, relicense or give away any of our images.

Can I modify the images?

Yes, absolutely. You can make as many edits as required by the projects you are working on.

Do I need to give credit?

While highly appreciated, no attribution or link back to is necessary.